“Laughter is an instant vacation.” – Milton Berle
Too often in our lives, we get lost in the pursuit of happiness and do not take time to just be happy. We hyper-focus on imperfections and forget life is about the journey. We dwell on the things we cannot change and dread unknowns in the future. Let’s take a break from that – right now. Here are 3 reasons to just laugh it up…
Laughter Has Great Health Benefits
We know this. Laughter gives you an instant release of endorphins. It relaxes you and makes you feel better. Laughter naturally increases your resistance to illnesses, and is actually considered a form of cardiovascular exercise (especially those deep belly laughs). If you’re anything like me, at this point you’re wondering why you’re not a size 0! Just as faking a smile can make you feel better even when you don’t, laughter can do this too.
Instant Social Butterfly
Laughter is contagious. We’ve all heard that. It promotes empathy and acts as a social lubricant; especially for those difficult discussions, when it seems like there’s nothing to agree with each other on. It improves communication by helping everyone relax and take a step back to see the bigger picture. We naturally gravitate towards happy people, because they make us happier too. So think of that time you sang horrible karaoke, or did the hokey pokey in front a crowd of 60, and find the ability to laugh at yourself. If you are strong enough to let others join you, that is the real reward.
You Can Feel It In Your Soul
Laughter is Spiritual. It bonds us and reminds us there things greater than our selves. Laughter promotes positivity and perspective. We feel a cathartic release of tension when we laugh. Strong emotion is expressed in a positive way. It helps us cope when times are tough, and reminds us things will always get better.
Laughter is one of my favorite things about River Pointe. Every day I hear laughter emanating from the hair salon, dining room, offices, and in the hallways. We strive to remain positive and find the silver lining. We never take our selves so seriously that we can’t laugh at our mistakes, and allow others to do the same. We laugh with our coworkers and residents, just as we feel their pain. It is so important to feel you have a place to call home. We have that here, and hope you feel the same.
This week, we laugh it up with Spirit Week at River Pointe! Each day will feature a different theme (for those that dare) to use as inspiration for what to wear that day. Our Annual River Pointe Block Party on Thursday, is “Wacky Day” and sure to be a hit. Watch our Facebook page for some great pictures, or better yet, come join us! See you there.