Lead by the Association for Community Living, May is Older Americans Month.
National Nursing Home week was also observed this past week, and while River Pointe is not classified as a nursing home facility, the theme this year gave us pause…
“The Spirit of America”
No theme better embodies our Moorhead community than this idea.
The Spirit of America is to think of others before yourself. To always be asking how you can help, or how you can make something better.
Each resident, employee, and volunteer has their own story and brings something uniquely beneficial to the community. Every day is different and brings something new.
This is who we are at River Pointe.
Whether it’s borrowing your neighbor quarters for bingo, or offering a kind hand to hold when dealing with loss. Maybe it’s a surprise from our kitchen staff on a day when you’re just craving your favorite food, or the friendly conversation emanating from the beauty shop. It might be the group of ladies that meets to chat, and make blankets for children in need, or co-workers working as a team to provide the best care they can give.
Keeping strong ties to the Community benefits all of us, and makes this a great place to work and live.
Sometimes we are confronted about misconceptions that come with aging.
People think that everyone ages the same, or that things must be done a certain way. They worry about giving too much freedom and the consequences of doing so. We’re here to work with you, at any age, when you’re ready to have this conversation.
Another misconception is that aging, or especially a move to assisted living, is a slow disengagement from the community, and it’s just not so. It’s an opportunity to become involved with the community in different ways, and continue to be a good neighbor. It’s a great time to meet new people, and connect with old friends you might not have seen for years.
This excerpt from a White House Press Release, in recognition of Older Americans Month, is another powerful example of how our elders continue to enrich lives:
“Older Americans are our Nation’s memory. Some of today’s grandparents and great-grandparents were born during the Great Depression, lived through the Second World War, witnessed the rise and fall of Communism, fought in Korea and Vietnam, marched with Martin Luther King, Jr., and watched the first man walk on the Moon. Now, they surf the internet and share family photos on their phones in a world that is richer and freer than the one into which they were born. Listening to the stories of our older citizens allows younger Americans to appreciate the country they inherited and gain the wisdom necessary to make it even better for their children and grandchildren.”
In summary, the Spirit of America is reflected by the Four Principles of Older Americans Month, put forth by the Association of Community Living:
- Know Your Rights
- Stay Engaged
- Strive for Wellness
- Explore New Things
Call River Pointe today to start having a conversation